Glutenfree & vegan thin Dutch pancakes from oat and buckwheat flour

In Holland we bake our pancakes thin. In fact, a thick pancake is called an American pancake. Some people (my husband) make them as thin as possible, like a French crêpe. Others bake them a bit thicker to be able to put slices of apple or bacon in. An authentic Dutch pancake is made with wheat flour (sometimes half buckwheat flour), eggs and milk. But all three can be replaced.

Oat and buckwheat flour

Oat and buckwheat are glutenfree (pseudo)grains. But both are still a bit sticky, so you don’t need to add binders like eggs or tapioca. Therefor the combination is perfect for baking pancakes.

Are oats gluten free?

All oats are naturally gluten free but they are often harvested and processed near wheat or other grains with gluten. So oats can be cross contaminated. In the EU oats are only guaranteed gluten free when the package is labelled gluten free.

Is buckwheat glutenfree?

All pseudograins are glutenfree, so buckwheat is safe to eat when you eat glutenfree.

Buckwheat and Medical Medium

Gluten free (pseudo)grains are filler foods that won’t do much harm but aren’t healing either.

But, in the first MM book, buckwheat is NOT on the list of filler foods. And in an insta live (7/2/20 round 3 Q&A), when asked whether he recommends buckwheat, Anthony William says: “No…there’s a type of gluten in buckwheat…” Meaning it’s similar. But then in 2022 the Brain Saver book came out. And this book DID list buckwheat as one of the filler foods (chapter 41).

So it’s a bit confusing. As soon as I have more info, I’ll publish it here. In the meantime… I like buckwheat a lot and I have decided to keep using it. At least until I emptied my provisions I will alternate more though, with millet, quinoa, teff and amarant.


You don’t need milk from animals to bake these pancakes. In fact you don’t need any milk at all. You can just use water. If you wish you can use use some almond milk (replace the water 1:1) or coconut milk (mix 50/50 with water).

What to eat with these pancakes?

My favorite topping with pancakes is fresh fruit and honey. Homemade jam or some coconut flower sugar are perfect as well.

Baking in oil?

I use just a bit of oil, especially in the middle of the pan. I have lowered my fat intake but I do still have some coconut, avocado or olie oil. If you are a skilled baker you might try to do it without.

Ceramic pan

I use a ceramic non-stick pan. That way you can easily flip the pancake. A non-stick also ensures that you’ll need just a little bit of oil. I still eat (moderately) fat and oil and I do bake my pancakes in a little coconut oil (and I am definately not the best pancake baker).

Size of the pan

Use a pan that is not too big. The batter is not the same as a crêpe batter, so you cannot make them that big. I use a pan of about 9 inches. The base will then be about 8 inches.

Thin Dutch pancakes from oat and buckwheat flour


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Thin Dutch pancakes. Not made with wheat, eggs and milk but gluten, egg and dairy free and vegan. With just with chickpea flour and water.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 3 pancakes
Calories 83
Cuisine Dutch, European
Holiday Valentine


  • ceramic non-stick pan bottom around 8 inches
  • bowl
  • whisk
  • soup ladle or big serving spoon



  • Mix all the flour with the salt. Then poor in the water (or almond /coconut milk) en mix
  • Warm the pan between medium and high heat. I set my induction on 7, but every 'stove' and pan are different.
  • I personally use some oil, especially in the middle of the pan.
  • Spoon 1/3 of the batter into the pan. My soup ladle has almost the right serving size. I fill it just a quarter inch under the rim.
  • Slowly move the pan around to let the battle cover the whole pan. Bake for about 3 minutes. Dont di anything yet until the batter on top is fully dried.
  • Slowly shove the spatula under the pancake all around to loosen the edges. Then shove towards the middle and flip. Bake another 2 minutes.
  • Repeat to make 2 more.


Calories: 83kcal

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