How will this play out? The first week was wonderful. But I just came back from holidays and there were a lot of positive vibes with starting a new thing. The coming weeks will tell…

Go back to week 1, go further to weeks 3 and 4 or read more about why I do this, how I prepared (slowjuicer, book) and my plan.

Day 9: Sunday August 11th 2024

Saturday was a great day. I could go sailing for the first time in a very long time. Unfortunately it ended up with me in stitches. Clumsiness, still some muscle weakness…. The wound heals well but I feel tired from the stress.

  • Start: celery juice, 1 whole bunch. No lemon water because I ran out of lemon and can’t do groceries. Husband an daughter are sailing again.
  • Breakfast: I make a comforting sweet potato curry with banana and cashews for myself. Bit oil in, which I shouldn’t early in the day, but I do it anyway.
  • Lunch: spinach smoothie.
  • Avondeten: a lean steak and potatoes. My husband did the cooking. So no veggies….
  • Snack: extra spinach smoothie

Day 10: August 12th

I wake up tired. My leg is ok, but everything feels heavy again.

  • Start: lemon water. Another bottle prepared for ginger tea.
  • After 30 minutes: Celery juice.
  • Breakfast: banana’s, strawberries, peaches.
  • Lunch: red lentil pasta with mushrooms, spinach cashew sauce.
  • Dinner: vegetable stirfry with coconut amonos

Day 11: August 13th

Still very tired. I know it usually takes about 3 or 4 days to recover when I something bigger than just grocery shopping and small stuff around the house. So I’m not worried yet. This must have had a big impact.

I do my normal routine. Don’t do much cooking, too tired. I still have loads of fruits and vegetables I can eat raw.

Day 12: August 14th

Waking up is a bit more fun than the last days. I feel some strength came back!

  • Start: lemonwater
  • After 30 minutes: c eleryjuice
  • Breakfast: bananas, strawberries, peaches.
  • Lunch: I have the second serving of yesterdays pasta. I mix it with watercress and pine nuts.
  • Dinner: I make a big skillet with chickpea and sweet potato curry. Half now, half goed in the fridge.

Day 13: August 15th

Today it’s my husbands birthday. He and my daughter celebrate with chocolates. I have no problem skipping that. That is completely out of character for me. Shows that probably it doesn’t have anything to do with mindset or character. It’s just that the craving that used to be there is not there anymore. It feels so weird, yet comforting that I’m doing something right.

I can work in the garden again. Finally. I have to do some heavy stuff and it takes me about 2 hours. That might be a bit to much… But 2 hours of work a day is wonderful progress compared to lying in bed all day.

  • Start: lemonwater
  • After 30 minutes: celery juice
  • Breakfast: banana’s, oranges and peaches
  • Lunch: spinach salad with just a bit Sockeye, cress, pine nuts and tomato’s. Less olive that I used to take combined with the juice of half an orange.
  • Second lunch: I ‘m hungry. I cook millet and make a salad with peaches, a bulb of fennel, dates and orange juice again.
  • Dinner: I treat myself with chicken. Having it with the chickpea curry I made yesterday. Two servings of animal protein today.

Day 14: August 16th

Quite tired again. So it did overdo it yesterday. Take more rest today. Gonna be a whole day of Netflix and maybe work on the blog a bit.

Tomorrow I’ll go to IKEA with my daughter, that will more than tiresome as well.

Go back to week 1, go further to weeks 3 and 4, or read more about why I do this, how I prepared (slowjuicer, book) and my plan.